El concepto de espacio geográfico se ha llevado a Internet, cuando este es conciencia, propio del individuo, mientras que aquel no es consciencia, sino común a los hombres.
La realidad no es propia del individuo sino de la comunidad que, a modo de estructura semireticular hace posible que la comunidad se constituya en un supra-individuo.
La consciencia no es propia de la comunidad que, a modo de estructura reticular hace posible que la comunidad se constituya en un infra-individuo,o parte de aquella.
El trabajo del que anoto el resumen como introducción, hace posible entender estas diferencias y no confundir ambas "geografías", o "espacios comunes" o, espacios de convivencia.
Geography abd the internet:In the internet a substitute or a Complement for Cities?
Todd Sinai, Joel Waldfogel
The Wharton School
University of Pensylvania and NBER
March 22, 2004
We study the tendency to connect to the Internet and the online and offline shopping behavior of connect persons. We document that larger markets have more locally-targeted online content, suggesting the Internet is complement to cities. Yet, holding local online content constant, people are less likely to connect in larger markets, indicating thst the Internet is also a substiute for cities. Finally, we gind that individuals connect to overcome local isolation, in the form of racial isolation or distance to retails stores.
Ee are grategul to the Warton e-Busines Initiative (WeBI) for giving us access to and technicsl assistance with, the Media Metrix data, and to Stephen Hoch for the Warton Virtual Test Market data. We received useful comments from the editor and an anonymous referee, as well as seminar participants st Wharton, the University of Illinois, Duke, the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Philadelphia, and the 2002 AEA Meetings in Atlanta.Sinai received financial support from the Ballard Scholars Program at the Scholars Program st the Zell-Lurie Real Estate Center, and Waldfogel thanks WeBU. Sam Chandan and Dan Simundza provided excellent research assistance.
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