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16 abr 2014

Desempleo vergonzoso para la Sociedad, no para la Población

El acariciarle la cabeza al perrito o el reirle sus saltitos graciosos no ha de seguir. Las Personas no necesitamos mascotas que distraigan nuestro comportamiento de regresion biologica, o histérico. Basta ya de reirle las crisis histericas repetidas de la Ministra de Empleo. Por su condicion de subespecie degenerada nones educable, por lo que se le ha de procurar un espacio donde darme alimentos, no de comer, pues no puede ingerir alimentos en compañía.

En El Pais, de hoy, 16-04-14, se puede descsrgar el estudio de desempleo en La union Europea. 

En este estudio se dice que España tiene la mayor tasa de desempleo de 2013, con un 36.3% de la poblacion con capacidad para estar empleada en la CC de Andalucia. Alemania tiene la menor tasa de desempleo con un 2.6% en la Region de Bavierna Alta.

La Ministra de Empleo, dice que España lidera el Estado con mayor caida de demoleo.

La mentira nos manifiesta la condicion despreciable evolutiva de su condicion de IndividuonHumano No Persona. Desconozco si es de la subespecie reptante o sapiens.

Su estrategia de mimetizarse mediante la mentira, la delata como despreciable por la especie de Humanos Personas.

Unemployment in the EU28 regions in 2013
Regional unemployment rates ranged from 2.6% in Oberbayern to 36.3% in Andalucía
Regional unemployment rates1 varied widely across the 272 NUTS 2 regions2 of the EU28 in 2013, with the lowest rates recorded in the regions of Oberbayern in Germany (2.6%), Freiburg in Germany and Salzburg in Austria (both 2.9%), Tübingen in Germany and Tirol in Austria (both 3.0%), while the highest rates were registered in five Spanish regions: Andalucía (36.3%), Ceuta (35.6%), Melilla (34.4%), Canarias (34.1%) and Extremadura (33.7%).
Among the regions, 49 had an unemployment rate of 5.4% or less in 2013, half the average for the EU28 (10.8%). They included twenty-three regions in Germany, eight each in Austria and the United Kingdom, three each in the Czech Republic and Romania, two in Belgium and one each in Italy and the Netherlands. At the other extreme, 27 regions had a rate higher than 21.6%, double that of the EU28: thirteen regions in Spain, ten in Greece, three French Overseas Departments3 and one region in Italy.
These data4 on regional unemployment, compiled on the basis of the EU Labour Force Survey, are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
60/2014 - 15 April 2014
40 35 30 25 20 15 10
5 0
Regional unemployment in Member States in 2013, %
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The bar shows for each Member State the range from the region with the lowest value to the region with the highest value
National average
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EU28 average
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Youth unemployment rates varied from 4.4% in Oberbayern and Tübingen to 70.6% in Dytiki Makedonia and 72.7% in Ceuta
In 2013, the average unemployment rate for young people1 aged between 15 and 24 in the EU28 was 23.4%. Regional differences in the unemployment rate for young people are however very marked. In the EU28 in 2013, the lowest rates for young people were recorded in the German regions of Oberbayern and Tübingen (both 4.4%) and Freiburg (4.7%), and the highest in Ceuta (72.7%) in Spain and Dytiki Makedonia (70.6%) and Ipeiros (67.0%) in Greece. In more than three quarters of the EU28 regions, the unemployment rate for young people was at least twice that for total unemployment. 

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